Open Bitcoin client or Bitcoin Wallet site and send money with any amount to Address :
Your address will expired after 24 hours
Copy QR code

Scan the QR code with your mobile Bitcoin app to make the payment:

Your Address is Available: bc1qvy27etw64z2ue8cpx65k90wx797wxfxnrsedp7

Order status:
Waiting payment.
Please wait for 1 confirmations on Bitcoin network to be credited in your account.
Payment will be auto processed about 10 minutes AFTER first confirmation from bitcoin network.
Please don't use this address for the next payments. if you want to make another deposits, please going here to get new bitcoin address.
For faster processing set at least 300 satoshi/byte (0.003 BTC/KB) transaction fee.

For blockchain wallet customers:
set 3x fee in 'advanced send' dialog - otherwise you can wait forever!